Story Telling

Years ago, I met a Christian friend for lunch who opened our table conversation with; “Tell me about your spiritual journey.”  What a challenge! Whatever topics I had thought we would discuss evaporated in an instant.  My train of thought had left the depot.

Unprepared and unsure how to answer, my clever response employed an overused delay tactic: “What do you mean?”  

Never before this had I reflected on the impact of past Sunday schooling, bible classes, or various church affiliations. To where and to what had my spiritual journeys actually led me? My friend’s inquiry triggered a deep, inward dive. Our discussion took a giant leap over safe and superficial chats to which I was accustomed. That moment and that meal altered how I approached relationships.

Interpersonal connections are rarely random happenstance. For Christians, any apparent ‘chance meeting’ becomes an OPPORTUNITY encounter.  God places us just where and when He needs us. We share our story and the hope we have. We listen to others with sincerity, interest, and affection that far exceeds worldly norms.

“…those who live according to the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Romans 8:5

God’s plan for His saints allows for much more than aimless conversations or a solidary drift on the sea of life. His Spirit directs our ongoing quest to seek faith’s Anchor. He does so by steering us toward relationships that reveal our purpose. Strengthened by the Word, engagement flows from God’s love. Expressing this love enriches the rich spiritual mortar that binds us to the Lord and to one other.

Believers get to share compassion by lending a genuine ear to another’s hardships. We are eager and able to do this because we are no strangers to conflict and trouble. We know our strength and endurance originates from an other-worldly Source. The Holy Spirit journeys with us through muck and mire that often accompanies the human experience.  It can be messy to grow a relationship with someone in desperate need of a Savior. Extraordinary commitment is required to help another through a panic attack, near death experience, or when hitting addiction’s rock bottom. You may represent the only earthly life preserver that offers a chance for eternal peace and opens heaven’s door as you drag a friend toward safe harbor; confident that Lord commands obedience of earthly storms.  

“In this world you will have trouble…but, take heart; I have overcome the world” 
John 16:33

It is no mere coincidence when a conversation relates to a recent sermon, allowing mention of worship opportunities or how your ladies bible study just discussed that very topic. No one wears a tee-shirt that reads “Talk Jesus to me” but our Spiritual vision helps us “see” more deeply into another’s needs. The Holy Spirit compels us to respond to such need, providing mutual benefit. We get enriched when distributing our time, talents and treasures; a supernatural value flowing from God’s grace and abundant provision. 

In 1988, Ray Boltz released the Christian song Thank You describing the impact of sharing the Gospel’s life-giving message.  Lyrics describe testimonials that led others into faith-saving eternity: 

That you for giving me the Lord

I was a life that was changed…

Thank you for giving me the Lord

I am so glad you gave…

Our relationship with the Lord of Love grows exponentially by extending that love to others. Our life-long pursuit for truth in God’s Word keeps us hungering for opportunities to share our findings and His love. From the moment of Jesus ascension, we’ve been commissioned to “be [Jesus’] witnesses.” (Acts 1:8)  

Such opportunities are assuredly God-ordained nudges to share the hope and love we have in Christ.  My prayer is to do so for as long as I live.