You Were Made For More Than Chaos

I read this month’s featured passage from a Burger King four hours from home between events.

I could tell you of my daughter’s surgery the day prior, or the middle of the night fiasco.

I could tell you of my husband doing a last minute check of my vehicle prior to me leaving and his desperate phone call a few minutes after I left. He couldn’t remember in his post night shift fog if he had replaced the cap to the certain thingy thing he was checking and if he hadn’t I would be in trouble.

I could tell you of these things, but you have your own chaos.

And the LORD will continually guide you,

And satisfy your desire in scorched places,

And give strength to your bones;

And you will be like a watered garden,

And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.
— Isaiah 58:11

Every “and” in that passage is like a breath of life.

God says: Not only will I guide you; I will satisfy you, and give you strength, and I will not fail you.

And it’s like God sees how much we need him. He will guide continually, satisfy our scorched ground, give strength to weary bones and water what is wilting, drooping, fainting, falling.


But that’s only half of the beauty. That is what we can expect from God.

But did you notice what walking with him will do to us?


We won’t walk around like a frazzled, stressed out, chaos filled vessel. We will be like a watered garden—a place for others to come and rest; a place of peace; a sanctuary.


And the world needs sanctuaries.


So do not cling to the chaos. The chaos comes with life. Let the chaos fall where it falls.

Cling to the One who will guide you and satisfy you and take your chaos and turn it into peace.