To the Friend Who Hasn't Been to Church in a While

I’ve missed you. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you in our pews. Something has been missing. It’s your voice from the pews, your laugh during fellowship, and your hugs of encouragement in the parking lot.  Your gifts are irreplaceable, and it feels like a hole in our family when we don’t see you. My dear friend, Sundays are not the same without you. 

I’m sure you have your reasons for missing. Maybe life has gotten a little too busy with kids, a job, or something else. Maybe something in church has made you feel uncomfortable. Has an event in your life pulled you away like a death in the family or a sin that seems to haunt you? Perhaps something doesn’t feel right. You may find yourself depressed and struggling to pull yourself out of bed to do anything let alone leave the house. Has your heart lacked the zeal for Jesus? Maybe your heart is telling you, “Well, I love Jesus, but I don’t need to go to church to love Jesus.” Maybe it’s another reason that I can't even begin to grasp.  I’m not going to stand here and tell you that your reasons are invalid. I’m not in your shoes, and my life is different than your life. 

What I do know is that no matter the reason that has pulled you in another direction, I still love you. Whatever has pushed you away or kept you from our family is a chapter of your story, but that isn’t the whole book. I’m here for you with open arms to listen to that story and to encourage you in your walk of faith. Together as a community we can walk together in faith, that means encouraging one another, forgiving each other, growing in our love of Jesus. If you need something, I want to be there for you to help. If you need a ride, let me know. (I have a pretty great dance party in the car on the way to church.) If you need help feeling a part of something or having a place, I want to help you find it. If trauma or a negative experience is giving you anxiety, I want to help anyway I can whether it being a listening ear or helping you find someone else to help you. If going to church is a new, scary, and unfamiliar experience, I would be more than happy to sit with you and show you the ropes. I care about you and having you there as part of our church family is important to me so that I can learn and grow with you as a Christian.  

As much as my love for you fills my heart, there is someone who misses you even more than me. Your Savior is eagerly waiting for your return. His love is so great that it covers up all wrongs and missteps you have experienced. Jesus rejoices at your return. Do you remember the story of the lost son? A father had two sons. One of the sons took his inheritance and left for what he thought were bigger and better things. It turns out that the place he really belonged was home with his father, so the lost son returned. When he arrived back to his father, the father didn’t scold his son or treat him any less. It was the exact opposite. The father welcomed the son with open arms and even threw a huge party in his honor. The lost son was found and that was something worth celebrating. Jesus told the story to remind us that no matter what, we can return to him and he will celebrate. No matter how long its been Jesus will not shake his finger at you, and he will not send you to sit in the back pew. He will wrap his arms around you in an embrace of pure love, and say, “Welcome home, my Child.” 

Come back, my friend. Rest your weary soul in the arms of a Savior that loves you more than words can describe. Hear him calling your name, urging you to join the family. He has set aside a calling and a purpose for you in his kingdom that only you can fill. Come back and feel the grace of your Lord in the music and words of the songs, hear the comfort and encouragement of the pastor, and feel the connection of your fellow Christians. Whatever is holding you back is nothing compared to the immense love of your Savior who died on the cross for you. 

So come back, my dear friend. I’m waiting here for you. Jesus is waiting here for you. Our arms and hearts are wide open for you. No questions asked, your return will be full of love. You are a blessing to me and all the other Christians here. When you walk in to the door, I’m sure you will feel the blessings of being together in God’s Word as well. So please come back. I promise there will be coffee, snacks, and lots of love.

So what do you say? See you on Sunday and we can grab brunch afterwards? I am ready to celebrate your return. Jesus is ready to celebrate your return. What’s stopping you?

From Your Friend who really misses you