The Ride

I wrote this poem years ago and I seem to come back to it each year as school begins again. When I wrote this, my twin daughters had just begun Kindergarten and I was having a hard time keeping it together. Not more than 24 hours earlier than their first day of “real school”, I had the following experience with one of those daughters. Sometimes God is subtle.

And sometimes He makes His message so very loud and clear it is impossible not to hear.

She wants to ride
She wants to fly
She wants to go

She asks me to teach her
Excitement in her eyes
Spirit in her hands 

The surprise in this girl
Began the second of her birth
Teaching me a love I could not easily grasp

I’ve loved her big
Held her tight
Breathed her scent
Studied her lashes
Cherished her kisses
Watched her grow

Thanked God for this gift.
Thanked God for my child.

Thanked God for HIS gift.
Thanked God for HIS child.

This flesh of my flesh
Bones of my bones
Extension of myself

I desire good for her
Never to hurt
Never to fall

Always to fly.

But I cannot protect
Be her constant shield
Keep her small forever

For she is not mine.

She belongs not to me
But to the Father
Her Father, My Father

So I take her to ride
I steady the bike
I grip her tight

Faster and faster
“Mom, you have to let go”
She says over and over

I have to let her go

I have to let her fall

I have to let her fly

I hold my breath
Remove my hand
Watch her go

Loving her.

Trusting HIM.
