Holy Hen House

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Scripture For When I'm Not Feeling Grateful

To be honest, I’m not always grateful in all circumstances. I’ve tried finding the silver lining during dark moments, overlooking insult with love, and keeping an ongoing list of my blessings. It doesn’t last, though. The problem stems from my heart and not from my circumstances. No matter how hard I try, I cannot change my heart— that’s the Holy Spirit’s work. Let’s go to the Word!

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember the basis of my contentment is Jesus— not my feelings.

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember that worshiping the Lord cultivates true joy as I focus on his faithfulness.

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember that helping others creates a domino effect of praise and thanks!

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember that Jesus invites me to come to him with anything at anytime!

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember that Jesus allows suffering in my life for purposes far greater than I can understand and trust his plans.

When I’m not feeling grateful, I remember that Jesus has overcome sin and the grave and I will spend eternity with him in heaven!