Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood / Volume 1: Old Testament // Book Review

Are there any good devotional books you’d recommend???

It's a question we get a lot here at Holy Hen House. And with good reason! It can be tough to find a devotional that not only a) keeps your attention but also b) contains some good scriptural "meat". So when one of our readers asked if we would review her latest devotional book, "Meditations on the Vocation of Motherhood, Volume 1: Old Testament", we were eager to do so!

There's so much jam-packed goodness in Marie K. MacPherson's book I almost don't know where to start! Since I love lists, I figured I'd number some of my favorite aspects of this devotional, in no particular order :)

  1.  Biblical content: As the title says, each one of these devotions are based on passage/section of the Old Testament, drawing a correlation to our journey as mothers. Not only are these connections made by Marie on point and thought-provoking, they also remind me of some of the Bible history I learned as a child but have long since almost forgotten. I love the way her correlations draw me back into the text and have instilled a hunger for more knowledge of these Biblical events.
  2. Length: Each devotion is only one page long in the 5' x 7' book, which make them absolutely perfect for reading while drinking your coffee, eating breakfast or in between running your kiddos from point A to point B.
  3. Opportunities: IF you end up with extra time on your hands (HA!) or can find a second moment to sit during the day, she offers plenty of opportunity to further your study and extend the devotions by including at a minimum of two additional Bible verses or chapters at the bottom of each page "for further reading". I absolutely love this as my schedule rarely ever looks the same from day-to-day and sometimes I am able to sit for longer than others. This is also a perfect opportunity to "journal" if you're a Bible journal-er like me :)
  4. Broad Audience: Somehow Marie has found a way to write to all mothers, not just those who stay home, not just those with little kids, not just those with careers. She writes in a general enough manner that I am quite confident that all moms could glean encouragement from her words.

Any criticism I would have for this devotional would be purely based on preference. If you are a story-teller like me and love somewhat in-depth, real-life experiences shared by the author, you may miss that in this book; however, this also makes for a more direct, shorter message which I can definitely appreciate.

All-in-all, if you're looking for a devotional which is strong in Scripture and provides great encouragement to mothers in all stages of parenting, than Ms. MacPherson's book is a must-grab for you. What a great gift it would make for the other mothers in your life! You can purchase the book and read other reader's thoughts about the book on Marie's website HERE or find it on Amazon.