Gift a HHH Magazine Subscription for 2020!

This magazine is so solid. To call it a magazine is somewhat of an understatement. It’s more like a professional journal for women of faith. I am in love with it, and I’ve hardly scratched the surface. Skeptical me kind of wondered what you could possibly put in here to warrant a whole “seasonal” issue, but you’ve nailed it. This is not a toss-on-the-table-to-flip-through-occasionally issue, but something I can carry with me and keep with my best Bible studies and devotionals. You HHH ladies are all amazing, and I’m so very thankful for you. Glory to God!
— Amanda Zickuhr
My HHH Magazine has arrived!! I have goosebumps from head to toe and I immediately sat down to enjoy the entire magazine! You were right in that the magazine is everything you said and much more — for I felt like all of you walked through my door! I so enjoy your company! It’s absolutely beautiful! I look forward to spending warm and welcoming time within the pages through the coming season. “I thank my God every time I think of you.” Phil. 1:3 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
— Judy Shaw

We are grateful to hear such positive feedback about our premier winter issue “COMFORT + JOY!” Praise the Lord! Because of the great support we received on Kickstarter we are able to invest in and offer a full year subscription to our readers!

Some have asked if they can gift a HHH Magazine subscription and the answer is - Yes! Absolutely!

1. Click the SUBSCRIBE button

2. Enter your billing information

3. Enter the shipping address of the giftee.

4. Print off our 6x4 printable on thick cardstock or a glossy photo paper to place under the tree this Christmas or send in a card!

Are you a writer, photographer, artist, or creative?

We are excited to announce that we are accepting submissions in a little different way!
Instead of only accepting submissions for the upcoming season, we would like to encourage you to create what is on your heart right now — and that very well may be winter-themed and all things Christmas! And that’s okay!

We will be categorizing all material we receive and keeping it until we begin production for that particular season. Click here for more information and to upload your submission!

The SUBMISSION DEADLINE for the upcoming Spring 2020 issue is JANUARY 15th.

May God continue to bless your Advent and Christmas preparations as we worship Him!