Are we so proud?

My middle son started three year old preschool this year. He's pretty pumped about it (so much so that he has asked multiple times if he is in kindergarten yet so he can have a packed lunch and stay there all day. Or he just wants a lunch box...)

This child I often refer to as our wildcard. ;P He knows how to simultaneously push my buttons until they are maxed but also melt me into a little puddle. He knows how to make me impossibly angry but then have me laughing within the same minute. He's our jokester and stinker. The one that makes everyone snicker when they shouldn't be. 

But this one. He takes school very seriously. Always straight faced at drop off and pick up. Always very matter-of-fact about the details of the day. Downright, a tiny man. (Granted, during school may be completely different.)

This past week at school they made little paper books on the creation story with each day having it's own page that he colored himself. It was then stapled together with a puffy tiger sticker stuck to the front cover. 

This tiny man was so proud

He was so proud of his book. He showed me immediately at school. He came home and had to show his baby brother and read it to him. He had to show it to his older sister when she got home. She read it to him, page by page, also very proud of him. He showed his daddy when he got home. The next day he remembered about his book and wanted to bring it to Bible class to show his friends there. 

Are we so proud

Are we so excited and proud of what our Savior did for us that we want to share it with everyone? Are we so excited that we can't keep it to ourselves? God created the whole world in just six days! God helped Noah build a magnificent ark to keep him safe from the destructive flood. God kept Daniel safe from the lions. He kept Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego safe from the fiery furnace. Etcera, etcera. I could go on and on and on with his amazing works!

Or, are we embarrassed? Ashamed, shy, reluctant, or no longer impressed?

There are many things our children can teach us, but their enthusiasm for Christ is at the top of the list. They are so excited to go to Sunday school and learn Bible stories every Sunday. They are so proud to tell me about what they learned. The sheer sparkle in their eye is enough evidence that they know, cherish, and believe in the love and forgiveness from our Savior.

They have a Savior. His name is Jesus. And they are His.

And they certainly aren't afraid to tell us all about it!

I Chronicles 16: 23-25a, "Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise."

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the example that our children are for us. Thank you for their beautiful happiness, unabated enthusiasm, and awesome gratefulness for all the awesome things You are and for all that Jesus has done for us. Help us to capture that. Help us to follow their example. Help us all to continue to learn and grow in our faiths and to have opportunities to share it with others. Forgive us when we are weak, embarrassed, and shy about you. Give us strength and confidence to overcome our weaknesses. In Jesus name, Amen.