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4th of July Treasures and Pins


1. 4th of July is less than a week away - now is the time to start talking about the meaning behind the celebration. Teach the kiddos to be thankful for our freedom. This boy's shirt is simple and cute for celebrating in America's colors.

2. It can't be a summer celebration without watermelon! These decorative touches are delicious. I am convinced watermelon tastes sweeter with seeds. What do you think? Are watermelons better with or without seeds?

3. I love this 4th of July turban head wrap. I also think it could be a simple DIY - ta da!

4. Take a blanket and snuggle with your favorite people under the fireworks. Do you live near Milwaukee? This picture was taken from Northpoint of Veteran's Park. Here are some local festivities you don't want to miss.

5. You know I love paint chip garlands and this star one is no exception! Here is the butterfly one I made with my daughter this last Spring.

6. Fruit ice - splendid and refreshing! Freeze strawberries, blueberries, blackberries into ice cube tray. Serve with Sprite or you could make Sprite ice cubes and place in water for a lighter flavored drink.

7. Have the kids make their own artwork of fireworks by putting food coloring on card-stock and letting them blow air through a straw. Fun!

8. I'm a sucker for nostalgia! These mini ice cream sandwiches take me right back to childhood.
