Fulfillment of the Ages

Darkness covers the world and each day seems to deepen.
Deplorable acts in the news, as hatred, resentment, and bitterness seep in.
Innocence lost, families broken.
Hope and joy squelched as the world falls short of all that we’d hoped in.

But there is a promise for those lost in darkness; a promise of Light.
The dawning of Hope, Joy and Peace; the promise of one who makes all things right.
Descendant of kings, promise fulfilled.
The shoot that brings fruit from the line of Jesse, just as God willed.

Asleep in a manger, humble start of one so grand.
Yet before whom, at the end off all things, no person will be able to stand.
No one to take note of, but oh, not for long!
For here is where the light breaks the darkness. Can you hear the eternal song?

Because he came from on high, he’s the promised of all ages.
To break open the chains of the sinners in their cages,
Pierced and forsaken, in your place and mine,
Exchanging our dark sickness for his glory divine.

But the story does not end here, it only just begins
We’ve been set free and released now to live for more than our sins.
Awakened from death, made new in his glory.
Now we live our lives for a purpose: sharing this life-changing story.

Yet, there is more that has been promised of this baby who came,
The one who opened eyes, cured the sick and healed the lame.
Every promise, perfectly met,
Shall we not look ahead, towards what is still coming yet?

Darkness, death and sadness crumble beneath all that is right.
The day is coming when all our tears, fears and sickness will be put to flight.
Victorious Savior, King of all Kings!
How can we not proclaim with all our might what joy our Savior brings?

Returning soon in his power, to bring justice and everything true.
And as this world comes to an end, behold, he is making all things new!
Faithful Witness, Firstborn of the Dead.
The one who declares “not guilty” when his children’s names are read.

The lamb that was slain, now worthy to open the scroll,
And to hear his glorious praises from our lips as ages roll.
Jesus Christ, you call me your friend?
How I love you, my Savior, Lord, King, Beginning and End!