Enjoying Summer...Cleaning?

As the clutter-cleaning effects of quarantine wear off, how might we get energized for a little sprucing as summer begins? Looking for short cuts? 

Currently I fit in the retired, large home, no grandkids, few demands, time of life.  Do you covet my “all the time in the world” schedule?  

For decades, I have looked forward to being able to give my entire house and yard a thorough de-cluttering, sanitizing and freshening up. Surprisingly, socializing and hobbies have somehow replaced those dreams. Thus, I developed a list of easy (and some laughable) ways to decrease dirty work and reduce residual guilt. Add your tips in the comments!

  1. Freshly cut flowers in vases will add inspiring color and energizing smells inside a home.  But, in a few days they shed their petals and the water turns gross green.  Better stick with succulents that don’t need much attention.

  2. Opening all windows on a sunny, breezy day, qualifies as deep cleaning.  Pull back the blankets for proper air-cleaned beds.

  3. Replace fussy garden flowers and weeds with rocks painted by the neighborhood kids or Sunday school class.

  4. Sweep old food and crumbs out of the refrigerator unto to the floor when the neighbor’s hungry dog is visiting. If it is a non-shedding dog, invite him to “vacuum” carpeting as well. 

  5. Box up those delicate decorative items (i.e. a pain to dust) to a reputable charity.  A rummage sale will also encourage de-cluttering, unless done with a neighbor with whom you trade junk. By the way, getting rid of extras will magically make each room larger!

  6. Let rain do the outdoor window washing. Indoor window washing is not necessary until the view is completely compromised.

  7. Practice the “germs help our bodies produce antibodies” philosophy.  Screaming TV chefs recommend rinsing a knife between cutting raw meat and fresh vegetables, but no need to disinfect everything.

  8. When finding a wall or area that badly needs repainting, cover it with strategically placed pictures in frames and mirrors. Hanging a small quilt can hide a hole that will get patched “some day.” 

  9. Adopt the custom of having all who enter the house remove their shoes at the door.  I am currently researching Pinterest for a motivational slogan to inspire this practice. 

  10. The best way to keep cat or dog hair off of all surfaces is to give your pets away. Never own a bird or any animal that doesn’t keep its toys, food, etc. inside its cage.  

  11. Position and fasten all shelves, fans, light fixtures, and picture frames above head level, so (unseen) dust is not an issue. 

  12. And finally for those nasty, really-needs-to-be-done outdoor duties, I will be betting my husband he can’t get the siding, deck, outdoor furniture, cars, etc. spotlessly clean. Competition and the use of a high powered power-washer “gun” can transform to-dos into victorious got-dones. 

Warning:  If you use the above work and time savers, you will be forced into making a decision:  With all my extra time, how else should I celebrate that summer is finally here?