Endless Summer is Ours Now

Recently we had a good laugh over the posting of a song called “Maycember.” In the video, parents sing and demonstrate how May is indeed as busy and frazzling a month as December. The craziness is caused by the cramming of everything in before the end of the customary school year. If you are a parent, you know the feeling very well.

Now it’s June. The beginning of summer has arrived and with it, the realization of hopes harbored for months by children all over the world.

Do you remember the feeling?

Thoughts of Summer

The thought of summer jars the remnants of the kid in me, too, because I still relish that exquisite anticipation!

Freedom. Fun. Fireflies. Swimming. Picnics. And, oh, the possibilities…

Endless summer. We long for it. We long to be restored by the warmth and serendipity of the sun, the lazy days, the forgetting of responsibilities.

Nothing compares with the child-like anticipation. The excitement is exhilarating. The little girl in me wants to twirl and dance in expectation.

Ironically, connecting the youthful eagerness becomes easier as my life gets longer, because the actual time for endless joys is getting closer.

My hope comes from a place deep within. Schooled by God’s grace, the Holy Spirit has replaced my hard heart of rebellion with the heart of a redeemed lamb who trusts the Good News of salvation. That is what happens when we come to faith.

Thoughts of Life

What enthralls my mind and heart is the fact that all who believe in Jesus are already partaking of this promise of summer-like living now.

In THIS life.

In John 5:24 Jesus says, “Anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.”

It does not say “will” have. This is not a future state. This is NOW.

Psalm 23 relates the “now-ness” of this startling fact. Here we have a personal reminder of the benefits of faith right now.

The LORD is my shepherd.

I lack nothing.

He causes me to lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside quiet waters.

He restores my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

(Emphasis mine) Psalm 23:1-3 EHV

If these reassurances of Jesus are true, then why does it often appear life is a lot more like “Maycember” than carefree summer?

Does the chaos we experience reflect being in God’s will or our own?

Is it possible we lack something because of our own doing?

God’s Thought for His Children

This psalm reminds every believer that in God’s economy he wants us to follow His lead. Life in him is more about “being” in His presence than “doing” for him. It speaks of letting go and letting God. It assures God’s children of a current freedom, of the refreshment of soul Jesus provides, and of the benefits of water and food He provides in Word and sacraments.

Those who embrace this mercy are receiving the kingdom of God as a little child, fully living in the light of the Son, and flawlessly trusting in God’s provision. Their lovely secret is this: focused on Christ, this joy fills them with hope, a sure foundation in this world, and the promise fulfilled of a glorious forever in heaven.

In this life, because of sin, chaos continues during certain seasons - child-rearing being one of them. However, life becomes so much easier and joyful as we proclaim and strive to live this truth:

Jesus is MY Shepherd. I lack nothing.

Until we fully arrive in the Savior’s presence, life may seem to be like “Maycember” most of the time. Truly, it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s respite to be found in reading the Word, praying the scriptures, and eagerly awaiting God’s answers of rest and renewal to all who follow Him.

In the words of an old commercial for the breakfast cereal LIFE, “Try it. You’ll like it.”

Happy summer to all our readers!