10 things nobody told me when I was expecting

The moment your belly popped to that obvious this-wasn't-caused-by-a-burrito stage, you probably started receiving unsolicited advice and commentary from anyone and everyone. The grocery store clerk, your mother, your grandmother, your aunt, your friends, your friends' friends, your neighbors... you get the idea. I am totally guilty of this as well. We and they all mean well. Truly. But how many times have you heard, "Get sleep now because you won't once the baby is here!" or "Your life is going to change so much." or "You know this and that (or such and such) is the BEST for your baby." or "You look big/small/huge/like you are having twins." While it's all meant positively,  it doesn't always leave you feeling... excited.

You are becoming a family! That is so exciting and amazing and terrifying and mind-boggling all at the same time. Hearing many of these comments does not help this pool of emotions you're swimming in already.

So knowing what I know now, after having two creatures of my own, here is a list. A list of the things nobody told me or warned me about while expecting my family. A list of all the beautiful, mysterious, eye-opening, God-fearing, glorious, and amazing things that my children blessed me with when we became a family.

10 things nobody told me

1. Nobody told me how my faith would grow... enormously.

2. Nobody told me how hard I would want and need to pray. How nothing else I've ever prayed about before matters as much as these two little people that I am now praying for.

3. Nobody told me how I would truly understand fear. Fear about keeping my child safe, God-fearing, happy, and healthy. But also that I'd be able to stand up to that fear with prayer (see #2).

4. Nobody warned me that I would melt into puddles ALL. THE. TIME. When my husband is an amazing dad, when my child says, "I love you", when my baby giggles. Someone get me a mop!

5. Nobody told me I'd fall in love with my husband all over again.

6. Nobody has demonstrated true forgiveness quite like my children have for me. What a reminder of what God does for us everyday.

7. Nobody warned me that the worldly things-- the clothes, the trends, even showering!-- would take the wayside voluntarily (most of the time, anyway).

8. Nobody told me how much I would laugh!

9. Nobody prepared me that my touch and my words would be able to comfort my child... just as in the same way Christ comforts us.

Isaiah 66:13, " As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.".

10. Nobody told me how my eyes would be opened to seeing the world through the eyes of my children. Such little, seemingly insignificant things bring such wonder and joy-- the seasons changing, an ant crawling on their finger, a crunchy leaf or broken stick... what a reminder of how amazing God's creation is!

What surprised you when you started your family? Anything you'd like to add? Please share!
