Holy Hen House

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WELS Women's Ministry Conference // Sponsor Spotlight


How many times in your day do you see something and say to yourself,

"I could do that if I just knew where to start and what to do."

Or perhaps,

"I could never do that. I don’t know where to start or what to do."

Consider how you came to be where you are - doing what you’re doing at this present time. What affect has life’s experiences had on where you are, who you are, and what you’re doing right now? Where did good and influential advice come from? Who influenced you, positively or negatively?

You strive to be a “good” daughter, mother, sister, wife, employee, employer, neighbor, and citizen. But, sadly we live in a culture which no longer understands that “good,” is derived from “Godly”.

If our culture understood that we wouldn’t have TV shows with oxymoronic titles such as “The Good Witch.”

By God’s grace you do understand that. As you strive to be a “good” daughter, mother, sister, wife, employee, employer, neighbor, and citizen do you realize you are striving to be a “Godly” - representing Christ in every aspect of your life? That’s your goal as a Christian.

But how do you know what that really looks like?

Your dilemma isn’t new.

Since the split between the descendants of Cain and the descendants of Seth - between those who served their own interests and those who “call(ed) on the name of the LORD” this dilemma has been a struggle for all followers of the Lord. For everyone who call themselves “Godly”.

Paul’s letter to the congregation at Corinth is largely devoted to helping Christians of his day answer this dilemma – to know how to be “Godly” ambassadors for Christ in the secular anti-Christ world around them. Toward the end of I Corinthians 10 he summarizes his answer by saying,

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God – even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good, but the good of many, so that they may be saved. Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ," 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

What does following Christ look like in my life today in the circumstance to which God has called me? As I write this question, I realize it was something impossible to figure out all by myself. Through the years, being in the Word daily and watching “Godly” Christians around me helped me flesh out the application. Three concepts have taken shape and became ideals for which to strive even though I knew I’d never in my sinful state reach them.

  • First, the Holy Spirit needed to call and inspire me through regular use of the Word of God and the sacraments. That prepares me to be God’s instrument, jar of clay though I am, to share the message of reconciliation through Jesus’ life, suffering, death with those around me.
  • Secondly, I need to be led by Christians around me. Then I have a better idea of how to lead others to know Jesus better and follow him more closely.
  • Third, I was served by many Christians; parents, Sunday School teachers, Pastors, choir directors, Christian school teachers, and college professors, employers, friends and relatives. Now it’s my turn to serve others as those other Christians served me.

Remember Paul’s words: For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved. Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ,” (1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1). In today’s language, “I will be your mentor because Christ has been my mentor.”

How do you be a “good” daughter, mother, sister, wife, employee, employer, neighbor, and citizen? You look to Christ in His Word and follow the example of those who are doing the same.

Guidance on “Godly” living can’t be found in self-help books, popular women’s magazines, news reports, You-Tube or Pinterest. We can only find guidance for “Godly” living in God’s Word. Thank God he has placed “Godly” women in our lives to point us to the Word and show us what a “Godly” life looks like.

WELS Women’s Ministry Committee would like to point you to the example of Christ and help you lead a “Godly” life that does the same for others. Join us at the Women’s Ministry Conference, July 21-23, 2016, at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI. It will focus on Christ-like mentoring. Our study will look first to Jesus, then to the “Pauls” God has given us in his Word and our own lives. Finally, we will discuss how to be effective “mentors” for those around us.


The WELS Women’s Ministry Committee works under WELS Adult Discipleship, part of the WELS Congregation and Ministry Support Group. Our purpose is to assist congregations in nurturing, encouraging and equipping women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.

Our foundational Bible study, Heirs Together, by Professor Rich Gurgel and Kathie Wendland, is a study of God’s calling for men and women.

We have developed a network of women to share and receive ministry information through our Congregational Ministries Team. This team also provides one-on-one support for pastors and women’s groups and is available to assist with developing, transforming, and revitalizing women’s ministries at the congregational level.

Our website, provides free, theologically sound Bible studies written by women for women, devotions for various occasions, ideas and resources for women’s retreats, Advent by Candlelight services and other tools for ministry. Some of our resources have also been translated into Spanish.

Every three years we host a Women’s Ministry Conference to encourage and equip women leaders throughout the WELS. As mentioned above, our next conference is July 21-23, 2016 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI. The theme passage is,

Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1

For more information or to register visit wels.net/women.