Holy Hen House

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This Little Light Of Mine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

It’s a song I remember singing as a kid in Sunday school waving my finger around in the air to represent that little light. I can remember my teacher talking about the song and its meaning and thinking to myself, “Why wouldn’t I want to let my light shine and let the world know that I love Jesus?”

Child-like faith is such a gift, isn’t it? You can feel it when the children’s choir belts its heart out in unity at church. You can see it as your own child slowly starts to grasp the concept of a Savior who loves them and deserves their prayers and praise. It’s so beautiful to witness, but unfortunately for many of us older children of God, it’s not as familiar as it once was.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. 

It sounds so effortless doesn’t it? But our little lights of child-like faith get blocked or dimmed by the burdens and pressures of this life. My little light shines so bright when my friends from college, all strong, Christian women whom I’m thankful to have in my life, surround me and we’re discussing our lives through the filter of faith in Christ Jesus. But my light wanes in the presence of my friends at work when they start to discuss their points of view on life or the daily gossip.

 It’s so easy for my light to shine for my child when I’m spending a fun day with him and he’s his usual happy, silly self. I radiate joy. My inner light beams when I hear my son sweetly singing, Jesus Loves Me from his car seat on the way home from daycare. But my little light flickers when my house is a disaster zone of hot wheels, trains and goldfish crumbs. It dims when I rush through bedtime prayers because I’m so tired from work and want a break.

But as many times as the world and my own weakness has threatened to extinguish this little light of mine, it’s still burning. It shines when I show kindness and generosity to others. It shines when my husband and I read God’s word to our son and talk to him about Jesus. It shines when I tell my friends and coworkers that I pray for them during their times of crisis. And it shines when I remind myself that many of the things that I consider burdens at times like work and a busy family life are blessings from God.

If that sounds like a lot to live up to, like a really big challenge… it is. When we shine, we shine our lights directly on Jesus. So this little light of mine and yours, it’s pretty powerful and important.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna (rise to the challenge, remember my blessings, and pray for strength) let it shine.