Holy Hen House

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The Sweet Smell of Forgiveness

My classroom smelled like feet. 

Let me explain. 

After working in a different profession for the last five years, God led me to return to education. All summer, I anxiously awaited the day when summer school would end and I could start getting my classroom set up. I worked on block plans, refreshed myself on best practices in education, collected books and furniture for my classroom library, and dreamed about how I would make my classroom a magical place of learning and community.

The day finally arrived at the end of July when I could move in. I pulled into the parking lot, unloaded my van, stuffed my first pile of goods into the elevator, and wheeled it all down to my classroom. Full of anticipation, I opened the classroom door, and… the first thing that greeted me was the smell.

The floor, though mopped, was not clean. Apparently, time had run short and clean mops were sparse at the end of summer school. But I put on a brave face, moved all my stuff in, and got to work on making the classroom a welcoming learning environment. I set up an air freshener, hoping it would mask the offending smell. I hung curtains, placed furniture, put up posters, and installed lights in attempts to distract visitors.

The result? A great-looking classroom that smelled like linen-scented feet. 

After two weeks of work in an odoriferous room, I had enough. I brought my mop in and got to work. Two hours and a half a bottle of floor cleaner later, the transformation was spectacular. The room looked exactly the same, but it was now a place I actually wanted to stay.


How many times do we try to deal with the sins in our lives just like I tried to deal with the odor in my classroom? We recognize it, and we try a few different ways to deal with it. We may attempt to mask it, distract ourselves with other things that look nice, pretend the sin isn’t there or it’s not that bad, or assume nothing can be done and resign ourselves to the fact that “it is what it is”.

Our sinful nature leads us to take these paths instead of getting to work and dealing with the sin. And, in ignoring our sin, we expand it. It becomes a sin cycle.

Here’s the truth: no matter how hard we try, we are sinful and we cannot deal with sin all by ourselves. We need a Savior. And thankfully, because of Jesus, we are saved from our sin.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-9

God leads us to realize that we can’t hide our sin or ignore it forever. He knows we aren’t perfect, and He calls us to recognize that Jesus was perfect for us. With God’s help, we have to face our sin head-on. 

Our Heavenly Father loves us dearly. He wants us with him forever. He wants more for us than to be slaves to sin: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

Sisters, we all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. So when God calls you to repentance, when you recognize the stench of your sin, see it as an opportunity to grow closer to Him. 

Don’t try to hide your sin. Don’t ignore the sin, hoping it will go away on its own. Get to work. Admit your sin to God. Get support from your pastor or a Christian friend to work towards healing and developing habits to avoid the sin in the future. Recognize your need for a Savior.

Most importantly, receive forgiveness for your sins from Jesus your Savior, who died for all your sins and imperfections. Breathe in the sweet scent of his love for you as you are reconciled to God. Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:2)  

Sin stinks. But Jesus’ forgiveness is sweet!