Holy Hen House

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The Most Regal Way to Travel

The Queen Mary

It was an unusual day in sunny Southern California. We were in Long Beach and planned a stroll along the jetty across from the Queen Mary, permanently docked for tours. She had been a magnificent ship, first launched in 1934, and according to Facebook, now provides “a unique glimpse into an era when steamships were the most regal way to travel.”

But it wasn’t the Queen Mary that caught my eye that afternoon. It was a young mother ahead of us. Like a human steamship herself, she clasped her tiny sons’ hands, and pushed forward around the walkway toward the parking lot, amid howls of protest.

From behind, we could not blame the boys for resisting. Weather-wise, it was far less than what we expected. Normally, Long Beach has near-perfect 70-degree weather. Today it was gray, cold, and sleet began to assault our faces.

Moving quickly together, we headed toward our destination, boys in toe with their mama. She was determined to lead us safely around the walkway. We trekked toward the car, heads down, pushing through the inconvenience of the uninvited shower.

Here is our view that day. The memory of it brings a smile to my face and a scriptural parallel to ponder.

Royal Ambassadors

These boys pictured, our grandsons, are now approaching their middle grade-school years. We are thankful for our daughter, who is persistent as a mom. While she does not bear a worldly title of royalty, in God’s eyes she is regal. By grace through faith, she carries the honored position of being in the royal priesthood of believers, one who shines her light for Jesus.

I smile because I can see a glimpse of that heavenly light reflecting off a crown, one I imagine is perched on her head. She’s a capable and caring wife and mother, raising her children to carry out their duties as kids of the King. They learn Bible stories, pray before meals, sing praises, worship regularly, and they listen to countless admonitions to be kind, to share, to forgive.

There’s immense joy in watching young mothers who are bringing up the next generation of royal ambassadors for Jesus. My heart is grateful as I think of how this training has played out in the family. Just a few years back, one of these little guys initiated an invitation to his grandpa to come to church and learn about Jesus.

Praise God! A small boy implored his grandpa, and the man’s relationship with the Savior has blossomed! A child, taught by mama to love the Lord, became God’s tool, walking in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul at age four.

Not So Royal Duties

So many times the tasks of being a mom, and especially a believing mom, are not glamorous or filled with publicity.

  • Who can count the myriad number of times moms watch for teachable moments and talk to their children about the Creator, the risen Savior, and the Spirit living in hearts?
  • Who knows the number of times mothers encourage prayers before meals?
  • Who sees the bone-weary look on a mom’s face as she tucks her children into bed with a bible story, a prayer and a song about Jesus?
  • Who hears the innumerable times her name is called out and she answers with love and kindness?

Only God knows and often only God sees. The task is frequently daunting, exhausting and thankless to be truthful. Most times, it takes a surreal kind of Godly strength to keep going.

Rest assured, all mothers out there! Your faithful work to share God’s Word with little ones is not in vain. Keep walking your kids through the storms of life, full steam ahead, in full view of their heavenly destination. Remind them of their humble yet invaluable position as sons and daughters of the King. Teach them to perform their royal duties to honor their King, share him with others, and bring him glory!

A Unique Glimpse

Maybe you think my ponderings are a bit hokey. That's okay with me. Just try it anyway and you will see that by grooming ambassadors for God you will…

  • fulfill your own royal purpose.
  • put the Gospel on display.
  • dare to demonstrate to others “a unique glimpse into an era"… where Godly mothers are… "the most regal way to travel.”

Don’t give up on this journey. The final destination is worth the effort. In the end, we pray our children will all lay their crowns at the feet of Jesus!