Details + Schedule: Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

"A few years ago, I found myself exhausted and isolated, my soul and body sick. I was tired of being tired, burned out on busy. And, it seemed, almost everyone I talked with was in the same boat: longing for connection, meaning, depth, but settling for busy." (taken from the inside book flap of "Present Over Perfect")

Have you ever felt this way? Do you long to be filled, long to be still but have no idea what that truly looks like or why you consistently over-commit yourself? I sure have. In her book, "Present Over Perfect", Shauna Niequist tells an incredibly personal account of a realization she made which began a "winding, messy journey from exhaustion to peace, from isolation to connection, from hustling and multitasking to sacred presence."

What better time to re-evaluate your own schedules and priorities than the amazing summer months?! Next month (Monday, July 10th to be exact), I will begin leading a 6-week online book club through our Holy Hen House Book Club Facebook page on this book and would absolutely love it if you would join me!

What To Expect

The club lasts 6 weeks - one week for each part - from July 10th to August 18th. Each part ranges in length from only 25-40 pages. The parts are then broken down into extremely brief several page sections which makes it perfect for taking in a few pages while sitting by the pool, hanging out in the back yard with the kiddos, grabbing a quick bite on a lunch break or laying in bed before drifting off to dreamland. And don't worry if you get behind -- you can always catch up and jump right back in!

Each week I'll be posting relative content from that week's designated part of the book on our HHH Summer Book Club Facebook Group. This content may include key quotes, thought-provoking questions to encourage online discussion, applicable Bible passages and more. The more involved YOU get, the better the club is!



  • Week 1 - July 10th: Part 1 / Sea-Change
  • Week 2 - July 17th: Part 2 / Tunnels
  • Week 3 - July 24th: Part 3 / Legacy
  • Week 4 - July 31st : Part 4 / Walking on Water
  • Week 5 - August 7th: Part 5 / Living in Time
  • Week 6 - August 14th: Part 6 / Throwing Candy

How To Join Us

  1. Pick up a copy of Present Over Perfect as soon as possible!
  2. Read the Foreword and Introduction prior to Week 1 (if possible -- lots of great content here, too!) and then one part each week or complete the book at your convenience. 
  3. Engage with the book club!
    1. Join the private HHH Summer Book Club Facebook Group. Some of you may already be in the group from previous online book clubs or Bible studies we've run; if so, no problem! Simply stay in the group. Once you have successfully joined the group, be sure to turn on notifications for the page so that you don't miss any part of the discussion. (If for any reason you do not wish to be involved in this particular book club and/or discussion but are already part of the group, please feel free to turn off the notifications or simply leave the group.)
    2. Comment on posts, answer questions, ask questions, and share what your favorite quotes are. We love the friendships and fellowship that are created online! Or better yet...
    3. Invite other women to read the book and discuss it in person! 
    4. Tag your updates with @holyhenhouse #hhhbookclub on Twitter and Instagram

Excited yet? I certainly am. Truly, while reading through this book, there have been pages which have spoken such truth that I've wanted to bawl like a baby. Ok, somedays I haven't just wanted to but actually have. Don't judge. Anyway, it's that good. And I would be so thrilled for you to experience it, too!

"See" you in July!