Holy Hen House

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Sponsor Spotlight // Mary & Martha


Today’s post is written by Holy Hen House sponsor Libby Wistrom, independent consultant of Mary & Martha.

As followers of Christ, we are called to do something about it; not to keep to His good news to ourselves, but to share God’s love through example.  One way is by welcoming others into our lives and into our homes and loving on them...just as God longs to welcome us into His home and love on us.


But sharing our faith can sometimes feel awkward.  And opening our home to others can be intimidating - especially in today’s “Pinterest” culture. I

 can’t do that. 

My carpet needs cleaning.  I don’t have any good recipes.  My children’s manners aren’t what they should be.  Why can’t I get my cheese spread to look like a pinecone? All of the dishes I own are chipped.  Where do people find the time to apply chalkboard paint to everything they own? What do I have to offer?

Mary & Martha wants you to know that this call to obedience is about people. It is not about perfection.

Our mission is to empower women to share life…together!  Mary & Martha is committed to offering products that help you welcome, serve & connect with others.  Simply said, our ministry is to help you share life!  Around the table, out back or even at the PTO meeting - the possibilities to welcome, serve & connect are endless. We are here to help make it both simple & meaningful! Think "Pottery Barn"…but with a Christian twist.


Our bakeware, table ware, serving pieces and home decor items offer inspirational messages or Biblical verse.  They were created for community and designed to help you share life together. As Deuteronomy 6 instructs, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframe of your houses and on your gates.”

Mary & Martha brings to your home daily reminders of His word, and silent witness to your faith.

The company name - Mary & Martha - is taken from the Biblical story of two sisters who welcomed Jesus into their home. Martha was busy with the preparations, while Mary was focused on their guest. That is an image I can immediately relate to!When we entertain, my husband is typically the one who greets our guests at the door and welcomes them into our home while I am busy preparing the food, swiping the bathroom, cleaning up the children’s toys or homework, unloading the dishwasher, and making final touches to the table. That means I can also easily relate to how Martha was feeling; while Mary was spending her time listening to the teachings of Jesus, Martha was the one stuck in the kitchen doing all of the work.

In fact, Martha even went so far as to complain to Jesus about it!  Imagine the look on Martha’s face when Jesus replied that what Mary was doing was righteous and good and would not be taken from her. The lesson show us Mary’s passionate devotion to Jesus - and we should follow that example; be so in love with His word that all else passes away while we absorb His truths.  Yet, we know from Proverbs 31 that we are also instructed to be like Martha - to be the rightful keepers of our home and care for our family.

The reality is that we are called as righteous daughters of Christ to be like 


 Mary & Martha.  Our ministry encourages you to find the balance in life - between your Mary and Martha moments - to combine your work, your relationships & your faith.

We call it living in the &.


I am so grateful to the writers at Holy Hen House for allowing me this opportunity to share Mary & Martha with their readers, and to bring the importance of hospitality to the forefront.  Our company is relatively new to the Wisconsin market, and we are looking to grow this ministry.


You can help by sharing this message with others, or by combining your work & your faith through a Mary & Martha business of your own. More information may be found on my 

Mary & Martha Consultant page

, or by emailing me at 




Libby Wistrom has been serving as an Independent Consultant with Mary & Martha since 2014. With entertaining, decorating and evangelizing being three of her spiritual gifts, joining Mary & Martha is truly the perfect “fit” because it offers her the opportunity to combine her faith & her work.

When she is not sharing the Mary & Martha ministry with others, Libby is working in her first mission field - her home!  She enjoys spending time with her husband and three (very!) active boys.  A few of Libby’s favorite things are summer, salted caramel anything, popcorn drizzled with coconut oil, reading home decor magazines  and having coffee with friends.