Holy Hen House

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Seven Ways my Children are Missionaries to Me

Becoming a parent is such a huge blessing. While children can try every last nerve, they can also make your heart swell in the very same moment. Something I didn't necessary anticipate was how much the relationship that I have with my children would parallel my relationship with God. It's like my children are little missionaries-- whether they know it or not! They remind me of what my Heavenly Father has done for me. They are an example of what my faith should look like. And so much more! So I have come up with a little listy-list to show you examples of what I mean.

  1. I often have to break up fights between siblings. This includes telling someone to say "I'm sorry" and someone else to say "I forgive you" in return. What a great reminder of confessing our sins to our Heavenly Father and of the awesome forgiveness we freely receive in return.
  2. Sometimes I have to apologize to my children for something I have done. After telling them sorry, everything returns to normal almost instantly. They are so quick to forgive -- just like our Heavenly Father is quick to forgive us! 
  3. It never ceases to make me smile when I hear my kids singing while they are playing on their own. Often it includes them belting their favorite songs they learned at Sunday school or school. What an example to be bold and unashamed of our faith -- so much so that we can shout it at the top of our lungs with enthusiasm! 
  4. Do you ever get annoyed by having to ask your child to do the same thing over and over again before they finally do it? It really is a great reminder of how much patience our God has for us! How many times have we sinned against our Father -- over and over even! He so patient -- slow to anger and abounding in love. 
  5. In the frenzy of lunch, sometimes my children are the ones that remind me we have to pray still. What a blessing to have them as a reminder to give thanks! 
  6.  On Sunday my kids are so excited for Sunday school. What great role models for me so that I can be just as excited! We have a great blessing and a great privilege to learn about Jesus as often as we do! 
  7. After a long, trying day with my kids, even if it was the worst of worst days, I still love them. Completely. Our Heavenly Father will always love us, despite our many shortcomings, no matter what. Completely.

Once you start making these connections, they can be kind of hard to miss. I love this because it's a constant, daily (sometimes hourly!) reminder for me. Being reminded of God, his love, and all that he has done for me is a lovely way to carry on my days.