Holy Hen House

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Refinement. The process of removing impurities to make something stronger — it sounds like such a noble pursuit, doesn’t it? To be cast into the fire of trials and tribulations and come out stronger; isn’t it what we all strive for when we face hardships? We want to be able to look back with the end triumph in mind and think, “It was all worth it.”

But what does the process of being refined actually look like? Do you feel strong right now? Do you feel triumphant right now? 

As 1 Peter 1:7 says,

These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Our loving Father allows us to face the scorching fires of this world with its sin, challenges, and heartache, not because he wants us to burn, but because he wants us to be refined. Our Lord sees our impurities even before we do. Sometimes only with the fires of sorrow and pain do those impurities rise to the surface for us to acknowledge.

Throughout this issue, we see that only through our faith and God’s mercy do we come out of the fire strong and pure with our Savior’s righteousness. 

Hardships will always be, well … hard. But as we approach the season of Lent with the knowledge that our Lord has already conquered sin, death, and Hell …

Do you feel strong right now? Do you feel triumphant right now?

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Time is fleeting. Before we know it one season fades into another. A quarterly publication allows women to read our content in a slower paced atmosphere. We are committed to solid content inspired by God’s Word that will be valuable of your time.

Instead of having to click online to access each individual part of our content you will find it at a flip of the page in your hands. Our devotional articles, Bible studies, interviews, Q&A, and photography will all be in one place for you to take in and refer back to.

We are delighted to create this resource with other women to dwell on God’s grace in our lives and impact generations for His glory!

R.E.F.I.N.E. | 6-Week Bible Study on 1 Peter by Susan Fink & Amanda Rise

The contrast from the bleak, black and white of winter prompts my gratitude for spring’s colorful rebirth. I marvel at how each flower and feather is intricately designed and decorated for its unique, God-given purpose. Jesus encouraged his hearers to compare the finery of mere wild flowers to the less glorious robes of wealthy King Solomon.

"Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." LUKE 12:27

Each beautiful bloom starts as a small, dormant seed. After the seed is planted and covered, then processed by heat and water, the hard shell finally cracks open. The sprout reaches upward seeking sunlight. Precise roots secure a foundation specific to each plant’s needs. God fine-tunes the exquisite details of all creation. This Bible study contemplates the Creator’s refining processes for his children. We'll see how our hard, self-reliant hearts can grow in his light and stay rooted in his will for his specially designed purpose.

This issue’s interview is with Hannah Schleef of Evensong Baby Books.

Evensong Baby Books' name comes from an evening church service by the same name, building upon the idea that spending time singing, reading, praying, and engaging with your children at the end of each day is not only a formative experience for them but a time for parents to treasure, too.

Hannah Schleef is wife to Jared and mom to Aria, Elanor, and Sylvia. In addition to owning and operating Evensong, a small handmade business that creates biblically-based baby and toddler goods, Hannah works in one of only two nature-based preschools in the state of Wisconsin, combining her love for teaching with the beauty of God’s creation.

Find the interview and SO MUCH MORE in our REFINE MAGAZINE this spring!