Holy Hen House

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Prepare Him Room :: 12 Advent Ideas

It's Christmas week!

I spent a few moments gathering up festive Advent ideas to share with you. 

Before I do that, I know what you may be thinking in that pretty little head of yours...."Advent ideas now? It's December 21st! Christmas is nearly here."

That's true, that's true. But if you're anything like me, you might just need a 12 month head start to plan and get your ducks in a row for the 2017 Advent season. You're welcome! *wink*

1. Cradle-to-Cross Wreath 
2. Truth in the Tinsel 
3. FREE Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Calendar 
4. FREE Jesse Tree Ornaments for Jesus Storybook Bible
5. Wooden Advent Calendar with Magnetic Pieces 
6.  FREE Printable Advent Coloring Book 
7. Nativity Fabric Advent Calendar 
8. The 25 Days of Christ 
9. Journey to Bethlehem Advent Wreath 
10. Jesse Tree Ornaments 
11. Light Up Wooden Christmas Nativity 
12. FREE Bible Verse Christmas Countdown 

Do you have a special way that you prepare your heart for Christmas? We'd love to hear about your Advent traditions! 

Let every heart prepare Him room! 

Happy Christmas, dears.