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"Out of the Nest!" Interview with Mel Kreuser

10997300_10153132663369938_207670723822683770_oIf Mel were to describe her life in one phrase it would be "perfectly unplanned". Growing up in Germantown, Wisconsin, she was taught at a young age to appreciate all things outdoor and love all things on four legs. With this background, she always found herself more comfortable with and interested in animals than children and planned to pursue a career in Biology. Her visions of her "grown up self" included huddling alone in a hut somewhere deep in the rainforest white jotting notes in a journal about a rare line of marmosets. However, God had other plans. She met her Army veteran husband on a day when her minded couldn't have been further from focusing on starting a relationship and knew within two weeks that he was "the one". Shortly after their first anniversary, they discovered that they were pregnant with identical twin girls -- a shock to anyone, let alone someone who never considered herself much of a "kid person". The second shock came three years later when she was told that she was again pregnant with twins, this time identical twin boys. Mel now finds herself not perched in a tree off the Amazon, but rather an average suburban home in Menomonee Falls with four amazing children, a plumber husband and one crazy dog. She works part-time for the Child Care Center run by her church as an Administrative Assistant.

We are excited to have Mel be our featured speaker at our upcoming moms' night out event "Out of the Nest!" She will be building up women with her words - not in a blog post - but in person.

As you can tell, Mel is a natural at speaking and making others feel at home with her words. What a gift!

Here are some of our favorite posts by Mel.


Where You Belong

A Little Bird Told Me So

When Cleaning Feels Futile

The Battles Within // Thankfulness in Suffering

Don't want to miss out on what else Mel has to say? Get your “Out of the Nest!” ticket here! Bring your close mama friends and get a group discount!
