Holy Hen House

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On the Road: Organized Bohemian

On the Road Organized Bohemian “You know, you two are a bit bohemian anyway,” she told me.

“Oh no, totally settled conventional suburban mom, that’s me,” I thought to myself. Sometimes those that love us know us better than we really know ourselves. I found out later that she was right. While I found familiarity and repetition comforting, God had another plan that moved our family of five a thousand miles - and we loved it. I had forgotten how inspiring it is to see another corner of God’s creation, and to learn how others approach life.

Should you find yourself on an unconventional or surprising path, out of your comfort zone and on the road, it’s ok. I remember this.

“The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8

Knowing that, we can relax and enjoy the journey. If you are like me, you also enjoy the planning.

So, what happens when an organization lover and explorer mesh together in one person? A travel binder! I hope you don’t mind - I’ve put together my favorite printable to-do list for your use. I intend this for your next move or your next adventure, but if you would rather take it to the Piggly Wiggly for groceries, I won’t stop you. Honestly, that can be an adventure, too.

click to print to do

Print several sheets of the to-do list. Three hole punch them and put them in a binder. The possibilities are endless, but I often use these categories:

  1. weekly to-do lists for scheduling out moving prep (when to switch utilities, forward the mail, book the truck, move things to storage, clean the oven, return library books, etc.)
  2. lists of things I will donate or sell before the move
  3. lists of things to go in the first box to be opened, last box to be sealed
  4. pre-travel shopping lists
  5. categorized lists of vacation activities
  6. categorized vacation packing lists (to-eat, to-sleep, to-play, in the car, etc.)

I also include folders in the binder for important documents such as lease information, hotel reservations, travel guides, maps, and information I cannot lose while traveling. The binder stays with me in the front of the car, and all my important stuff is in that one spot.

travel binder

With quite a bit of time on the road in my future, I plan to write several posts in this new On the Road series.

Where are you planning to travel?
