Holy Hen House

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New Team Members

We are so excited to introduce you to the newest hens to join our brood! As we mentioned earlier, we were looking to grow our blog team at Holy Hen House. One of the greatest parts of being a collaborative blog is reading the unique perspectives and writing styles of each blogger. 

With Titus 2 as one of our core values, women from more "seasoned" stages of life have joined our team to speak wisdom and experience into our lives as mentors. This is great! But we were missing more voices of young and single Christian women that we think are equally important to consider and listen to. 

It is such a treasure when women from different seasons of life cultivate relationships. This is why you will find blog posts at HHH written by wives, empty nesters, single women, and mothers. Regardless of our current seasons we share the same Lord and are unified where it matters the most. 

Say "hello" to our newest bloggers and get to know them more below!


I am a copywriter by trade who loves to craft and read great stories. I am a wife, mother to an energetic son and a follower of Christ who is thankful for the path God has set for me. Without his guidance, I would be spiritually lost. I would perhaps be physically lost as well, my husband can attest to my terrible sense of direction.

You can read some of my past guest posts at Holy Hen House here: 

When You Feel Like You Don't Belong

Love In Action Speaks Louder Than Words

When Our Worries Make Us Slip


My name is Nicole - preferably Kiki, despite my mother’s protests - Wood. I am a senior in college pursuing a degree in K-12 Spanish Education. I grew up in quirky and breathtakingly beautiful Boulder, Colorado - a place I dearly miss while I’m away at college. I love to travel and spent eight months in Peru teaching English to students ages six to forty. It is one of my life goals to touch every continent - maybe minus Antartica, brr! - and see as much of God's phenomenal creation as possible. With my Bible, passport, and a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I am eager to see where God leads me next! Traveling throughout South America was not only a life-changing experience for me, but it also opened my eyes to my love for blogging! I treasured forming my thoughts into words as my own personal souvenir while simultaneously keeping my family and friends up-to-date on my adventures. These tales can be found on my personal blog at chicagonesouth.blogspot.com

Favorite Bible verse? 
As I reflect on my childhood, my travels, and my current academic pursuits, I truly see God’s hand in every piece of shaping me to be his daughter. I always cling to his words from Revelation 3:11, which say,

This verse is very special to me - it was both my and my grandpa’s confirmation passage. Plus, what a comforting sentiment that God, our king, has called us to him, created faith in our hearts, and crowned us with his righteousness so that we will one day dwell with him in his perfect kingdom.


I am a dreamer in my mid twenties from MN that is passionate about music, books, travel, and faith. I enjoy singing in my church worship band, helping with youth group, watching my favorite movies over and over, and looking for ways to live in England again. Though I'm an introvert who loves being home, if you ask about my semester studying abroad in Liverpool, you'll learn what makes me tick.  I'm still figuring out what my dream job would be, along with needing to pay off my loans, travel, and find a nice Christian man. Really I just want to sing praises, write, travel Europe, and serve others. Apparently like every other millennial, I want to make a difference. 
As I seek God's guidance in my life, I also write about trust, hope, and contentment on my personal blog

Favorite Bible verse? 
My confirmation verse was Jeremiah 29:11,

I've always felt like it was my guiding verse since I love order and being in control. I like to make plans, but I need to remember that God's plans are best even when I don't understand.

That's when I need the somewhat less quoted verse 12,

God cares what I think and feel, but he knows best every time.


I am a recent college graduate and work as a nurse in inpatient oncology at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center. I love my job because it engages me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am passionate about supporting and caring for patients and their families as they face hardships. In my time off, I enjoy reading, seeing plays and musicals, playing guitar, exploring all that Milwaukee has to offer, traveling to new cities, and spending time with the many family members and friends with whom God has blessed me. I am inspired by God's boundless love, and strive to walk through life showing Christian love to others by the grace and help of God. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for me.

Favorite Bible verse? 
One of my current favorites is Matthew 5:16,

In this troubled world it is important to remember that, while we are sinners, by God's grace we are forgiven and as Christians we are called to behave in a way that gives glory to God.


I am a blogger, an improviser, and dearly loved child of God. I love comedy, running, craft beer, and honest-to-goodness adventure. Currently I am working the Shepherd’s field in China, spend my days teaching English, eating noodles, and spreading His good news. I studied International Studies and Italian at UIUC, I enjoy writing and have my own travel and faith blog ambulareperfidem.blogspot.com. I also studied improv comedy at Second City and Improv Olympic and performed with a few groups in Chicago for a few years. I have a stuffed animal Yoda that I brought with me to China because he’s really funny to come home to. And, like many Christian ladies, I would quite like to be a wife and a mother someday. This often seems like a dream moving farther and farther away, but if my experience in China is teaching me anything, it’s that there are other ways to serve Christ within his church, and that’s okay. Although life in a foreign country can be difficult at times, I do my best to stand firm and give myself fully to the work of the Father, ever striving to give thanks and shine His light in all circumstances. 加油! 

Favorite Bible verse? 
For the past few months, Esther 4:14 has been making itself especially at home in my heart.

I might not always understand or like the things I experience here in China, but I know that, every day, every hour, and every minute, God puts me where I am supposed to be so that I can share his truth with others and shine in each moment for HIM. (This is easier said than done, of course — which is why I’m extra thankful that the Big Guy has also put other people into the position of being my friends here in China so that we can support and encourage each other.)


I am an ordinary woman who loves Jesus and trusts Him to get me through this broken world. Wife and mother of two (one in heaven and one on earth), this season of life is teaching me a few lessons in humility and grace. I am continually amazed at how the Lord blesses me in the most unpredictable ways. I recently left my job to stay at home with my son. My typical day includes going to the gym, running errands, play dates, meals, and spending time with my husband. I volunteer my time advising a sorority group at Carthage College. I have also spent time traveling nationally for the same sorority and love to work with collegiate women, helping prepare them for the real world – dealing with conflict, problem solving and dealing with risk management. I write (although took a break for awhile after my son was born) on my personal blog www.oliveandherbranches.blogspot.com, travel, reading, cooking and sports.

Favorite Bible verse? 

After my daughter passed away I wanted to fight anything and everything: God, my husband, my loss, my feelings – a fellow bereaved mother helped me through this time by reminding me to “sit still in the wound”. If we thrash about in our circumstances we reopen the wound and create more scar tissue. If we can be still in the wound, allowing the Lord to bring us through each new day, the wound will heal around us. So I have learned to love that verse.