Holy Hen House

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Order MAKE ROOM the HHH Winter Magazine!

What do you have that is cluttering up your life or the walls of your heart?

What is causing you to stumble in your walk with your Savior? 

This issue will take a closer look at making room for Jesus in our lives. Even though 2020 has been a year of uncertainty, stress, and disappointment our tested faith can be full of Jesus’ glory, grace, and truth!

I can’t help but think there is not a better season to work on this. Winter is a time for quiet and still—a time for reflection. 

As the hymn sings,

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

— Helen Howarth Lemmel (1863-1961)

This winter, embrace stillness so you can free up that space. Because when you are spending time reading God’s Word, he draws you near and calls you back for more. And there is nothing better than reading and re-reading God’s promises being fulfilled for us through the Savior. 

Spend time with him. Pray continually. Meditate on his Word. Make room. 

Our winter issue is printed and will find its way to homes this December.

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Time is fleeting. Before we know it one season fades into another. A quarterly publication allows women to read our content in a slower paced atmosphere. We are committed to solid content inspired by God’s Word that will be valuable of your time.

Instead of having to click online to access each individual part of our content you will find it at a flip of the page in your hands. Our devotional articles, Bible studies, interviews, Q&A, and photography will all be in one place for you to take in and refer back to.

We are delighted to create this resource with other women to dwell on God’s grace in our lives and impact generations for His glory!

Be Filled | 6-Week Bible Study by Amanda Rise

I didn't realize how much life was running on empty until 2020 hit. It’s easy to think that we are blessed when we don’t feel significantly challenged. The calendar used to be scribbled with plans an entire year out and our weeks packed with a familiar routine. Day-to-day it was easy to think we were calling the shots. When most expectations are met, we begin to feel as though we have it all under control. And that’s the problem; we can become so seemingly independent that we start relying on our own ability instead of God's.

I approached the abrupt COVID quarantine with a firm commitment to working hard: to stay healthy, to maintain an enjoyable atmosphere in our home, and to avoid fear by retaining a positive attitude no matter what the future weeks or months held. I was soon humbled. Surprised? When we attempt to live by our own capacity, we become blind to the spiritual resources that are right in front of us! Like the Sidonian widow (1 Kings 17) whose jar of flour and bottle of oil never ran out when used, we have access to the never-ending spiritual riches found in Jesus and his Word.

Let’s turn our hearts to what God has to say about this. The book of Ephesians was originally a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus but most definitely applies to all believers, both then and now.

Ephesians tells us who God is, who we are, how rich we are and how we are to use these treasures for His glory. Did you just read that? Say it out loud! This book is like a treasure map to the most valuable truths and mysteries in all of eternity. Mind blown. May we realize how little we need, how much we have and that God never runs out on us.

This issue’s interview is with Him + Her. Based out of Minneapolis, husband and wife Seth and Jenna Herlich now live on the road full-time, towing their 13-foot camper around the country.

With a passion for adventure and a calling to create, the duo leads narrative-driven worship nights, bringing their powerful, passionate harmonies and a timeless message of Christ’s love and hope to receptive congregations and audiences in dozens of US cities. Him + Her Worship blends Christian contemporary energy, honest singer-songwriter lyricism, cinematic textures, and indie experimentation into an exceptional and cohesive worship music experience. 

Find the interview and SO MUCH MORE in our MAKE ROOM MAGAZINE this winter!