Holy Hen House

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lovely, happy gift ideas for the last minute shopper

One week until Christmas!!! And now the question everyone is asking.

Are you ready? 

If you're anything like me, you might still have a few gifts left to purchase or make before The Big Day arrives. Whether you always wait until 11th hour or you just can't seem to come up with a present for that remaining person on your list, help and inspiration are here! I've put together a little collection of some lovely, inexpensive, sure-to-make-them-smile gift ideas for you.

Holy Hen House Holiday

1. The internet is plump full of gorgeous, FREE printables like this darling reindeer one. All you have to do is download, print, and stick it in a frame. Merry Christmas! You have a sweet, easy present that any hostess or friend would love to unwrap and display.

2. Stop what you are doing now and whip up these simple, delicious, fabulous Oreo truffles. Oh my chocolate loving heart! Pass them out with a cheery smile to everyone to know - the neighbor man, your kiddo's bus driver, your best friend, and the mail carrier. You will make.their.day.

3. The new year is knocking at our door. What sweeter gift to give than this best of my days notepad calendar?! It's a place for someone to jot down special memories and thankfuls at the end of each day. Add some simple, fun embellishments to the FREE printed calendar and you have the perfect, thoughtful present for friends, grandparents, neighbors, and teachers. Is there a person on your list who has everything? This is for them!

4. I am crazy in love love love with making wreaths! And I love jingle bells. Who doesn't?! Put them together and you have a darling, happy decoration anyone would be tickled to have hanging in their home. So put on some Christmas tunes or your favorite holiday movie and get those hands busy! You'll have the wreath done in no time. Falalalalaaaa!!

5. Do you have a favorite thing? Perhaps a scarf you feel good in, a lip balm you can't live without, or a hand soap that smells amazing and is always at your sink? Of course you do! So share the love. You don't have to be Oprah to do this. ;) Purchase that favorite thing and wrap it up pretty. Be sure to let the recipient know it gets your stamp of approval!

6. Gifts that bring the comfort, joy, and love of Jesus to someone are always going to be on the top of my list! Giving away a copy of your favorite devotion book may be just the thing that person is needing/wanting/hoping for this Christmas.


There you have it! Six happy, easy-peasy gift ideas for the last-minute-shoppers out there. Now go get busy so you can cross everything off your list! What would you add to this collection? Please share! The more the merrier!  

