Holy Hen House

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It Just Doesn't Make Sense God!

Have you ever been through a period in life that just doesn’t make sense?

You trust Jesus and His promises, but you sometimes wonder, “How in the world are you going to work this out for good?”

Have you ever seen the back side of a tapestry?

It’s not real impressive, in fact it looks like a pile of mangled knots with threads of all different colors running every which way with no clear path or connection.

But then we are given a different perspective or view. The tapestry is turned over and we see a beautiful, multi-colored masterpiece.

How can this be? How can someone construct such an elegant, useful work of art from mangled threads?

Sometimes our life feels like the back side of a tapestry; a big hot mess of disconnected, unorganized strings and knots.

How are we supposed to make sense of this? How are we supposed to be in control of what happens?

We are not supposed to be in control, we are not the artist. God has a plan, and we need to continue to trust that He knows what He is doing, even when we have no idea.

When we get to heaven, I presume we are going to be able to look back on our life and see His beautiful tapestry that He created using our piles and tangles and knots.

It will all make sense.

In the meantime, as we stay rooted in His Word each day, He will give us the strength to trust in His promises. He has been working on this masterpiece for millennia, and we are a part of it…what a sight it will be!