Holy Hen House

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Freedom from Comparison in Motherhood

Holding my first born in awe, our personalized miracle boy

The weight of responsibility, the peaks of God-blessed joy

How often to feed? How much sleep? So many decisions and questions

Wonderment, yet worrisome doubts, too numerous to mention.

I thank God he had a perfect plan for my children even before they were born.
(Jeremiah 1:4-5)

Enjoying our church’s play group; Beth’s baby already walking

Is Jacob slow to not do that, and when will he start talking?

Have I dressed him warm enough? Other moms appear care-free

Do they doubt their parenting skills, or is it just me? 

Renew me with confidence, knowing you will meet all our needs, dear Lord.
(Romans 8:32)

Preschool observations, teachers say he is shy

Prefers to play alone and I’m not understanding why

Different than the rest of group, Sam likes last in line

Should I teach other options to this second child of mine?

With the unique gifts you have given our children, Jesus please use them to serve you. (Ephesians 2: 10)

While classmates are sports fanatics, son #3 plays for fun,

Should we have encouraged more practices as other parents had done?

Teen years hit all parents way too fast, with drama and hormones spinning

Peer pressure, social media, and abundant temptations for sinning. 

Remind us Lord that through faith the Holy Spirit lives in our bodies, your temple.
(I Corinthians 6:19)

Should driving be a privilege for certain times or needs?

Do I, like Kayla’s mom, give in when my daughter pleads?

What time should we set curfew? Are our family rules unfair?

Have we modeled in our homes that Christ is welcome there? 

Heavenly Father, renew our hearts with your words of truth and power. (John 17:17)

Remembering the promise with God’s love there is no fear

Our freedom from comparison and doubts becomes quite clear

The Heavenly Father understands, sends comfort through his Son

Redeems us through the cross of Christ, our salvation won.

Thank you, dear Savior, for giving me and my family all that we need. 
(Matthew 10:29-31) 

As years blur into memories and children leave the nest

Christian parents ponder how richly they’ve been blessed.

The little feet that followed us with joy upon their face

Lord help them follow in your steps, enfold them with your grace.

Just as you have faithfully guided us through parenting Lord, let us trust in you even more as we walk on new kingdom paths.  (Ephesians 5:1-2)