Holy Hen House

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Eternal Comfort

Four months of mandatory isolation rendered her barely recognizable.  “Are you my mother?” I asked the figure in the emergency room bed.  Her long hair and frail, bruised arms couldn’t detract from bright eyes and masked smile that inquired “How did you find me?” Her nursing home reported recent falls necessitating hospitalization to verify cause.  Rejoicing at the less-restrictive visitation guidelines, I rushed to her side.

Five days later, she didn’t know who I was. Within ten, she was called home. Mom had been asking, “I just want to go home” but I had missed the word’s true meaning. 

We frantically scramble to prepare for major life events: selecting a new home, seeking that “dream” job, or mapping out idyllic vacations. But is anyone really ready for a loved one’s final departure? For Christians, the answer is easy: we are ready for any major life event when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. As each coin mutely reminds: “in God we Trust.”  

The finality of a parent’s death can be jarring. Understanding the inevitability of life-span limits, our sinful nature still asks, “Why?” Believers process the “whys” of life differently than do unbelievers. The following 4-questions aid in transforming the “whys” to reveal God’s blessings imbedded within each life lesson. Blessings that make us into better disciples for Him. Call this a “BLESSON” if you will. The Holy Spirit redirects our quest toward the divine truth of God’s ever-present grace and provision.


In everything, the Lord displays His sovereignty by promising to be with us. Always and forever. Seeking Him throughout mom’s hospitalization brought deep spiritual benefit.  In the shadow of the valley of death, we both needed reminding of God’s presence to help us endure physical pain and uncertainty. And His Word delivered:

I will never leave you nor forsake you. Joshua 1:5

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14a

Now was the moment to draw on God’s power for real comfort: comfort never conjured up by mere human effort. We prayed, recited scripture and spent unhurried time side-by-side, with Jesus right there alongside us.


“God works all things for the good of those who love him” are not mere words.  He loves to hear our gratitude in both good AND not-so-good times. Holding her hand, I thanked God for her – aloud.  I spoke of my love and how God loved her most of all. Machines beeping and caregivers milling about receded into the background. An uncanny peace cocooned us as the Savior gently led us to quiet waters.  

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. Psalm 145:9

Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12


Ceaseless prayer brought immeasurable peace –spiritual comfort I later dispensed freely at her funeral. Speaking to the One who fully understands the sting of death provides stabilized grounding. God’s undeniable strength and direction keeps me steadfast EVERY day. As my wise mother-in-law says, “How can people do this without God?”

Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


A better question is: TO WHAT HIGHER EXPECTATION DOES GOD’S WILL LEAD?  Such inquiry shifts thoughts away from loss-preoccupation to purpose-orientation. Our Creator designed us to fill up on Him - especially during desperate times - and then: to get back to being his representative in a world mad with sin.  We aren’t meant to dwell on what we have not, but on the banquet of opportunity that requires us to use His gifts to love and help our neighbor.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

Consistent prayer and bible study leads Christians through trials and loss to grow us for his purpose. Difficulties provide spiritual polish for hearts and minds to more readily tap into His almighty power and joyfully serve others. It is the Lord who enables our clinging to the sweet hope of heaven while busy doing the Father’s work on earth. 

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” is not just a slogan, but words to live by.  These are part of a longer poem written by a British Christian missionary to China. 

Mom’s absence is deeply felt because earthly relationships matter to our Creator. Even so, her finest qualities: protector, provider, comforter, guide are beautifully bundled in their original source: our Heavenly Parent.  And friend, they are there for you, too.