Holy Hen House

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Easter Mini Garden

Several years ago, I stumbled upon the sweetest project while scrolling through the internets (thank you, Pinterest!). My family and I have enjoyed making an Easter Mini Garden together each Lent season since then. I have a hunch that you will LOVE this idea, so I wanted to pass it along today.

It is such a simple, but beautiful and powerful visual reminder of Christ's death for us and His resurrection from the dead!

easter mini garden hhh To give proper credit where credit is due, you can find the inspiration and instructions for the project here. Click over to see photos for instructions, too!

The Easter Mini Garden is easy and relatively inexpensive to whip up! I've seen a few different variations, but here are the basic supplies and instructions:

(It's possible you can find some/most of these items in your home or yard) shallow terra cotta potting tray terra cotta mini pot (for the tomb) little stones or pebbles grass seed (or moss!) potting soil twine or string a few small twigs (to make the crosses) one stone (to cover and then roll away from "the tomb")

1. Lay the mini pot on its side in the center the potting tray 2. Scoop soil on top of and around the sides of the pot. Pack it in to form a "hill" 3. Sprinkle grass seed all over the soil. Be generous! 4. Pour pebbles in front of the "tomb" opening 5. Use twine to tie together three crosses and then stick the crosses into the soil on the "hill" 6. Place the stone halfway in front of the "tomb" 7. Water the grass with a spray bottle each day to keep the soil moist 8. Place the Easter Mini Garden in a sunny spot in your house and watch the grass grow a bit each day! The grass might even need a trim if it grows well and quickly!

This project is such a joy. It provides yet another opportunity to chat with my child about what our Savior has lovingly done for us. We have not only enjoyed these in our own home, but at church, too! Sunday School kiddos have made them to use as centerpieces for Easter breakfast. They took them home to enjoy afterwards!

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die." ~John 11:25-26

Will you make an Easter Mini Garden? Or do you enjoy making another Easter project each year? Please share it with us!

God bless your Lenten season, dear friends.
