Holy Hen House

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Does Your Resolution Last After You're Gone?

Does it surprise you that the second week of January is the busiest week for gym membership attendance and by the second week of February 80% of those members have stopped attending?

For most of us, turning the page on a new calendar year gives us a feeling of optimism and a fresh start. There is nothing wrong with this, yet as we consider our goals for 2017, we need to remain cognizant of the one thing needful.

Picture yourself on January 1, 2018.

If you change nothing in your life this year, what will be your biggest regret of 2017?

Your goals may include losing weight, getting in better shape, saving more money, removing clutter from your life, or any other myriad of honorable intentions.

In 200 years will it really matter if you had a fit body and a healthy bank account?

What will matter, what lasts long after we are gone, is our relationship with our Savior.

What is God’s will for your life in 2017? How can you grow closer to Him and help others to do the same?

Our Savior gives us a fresh start every moment of every day. Through repentance our past is forgiven and we have a new beginning, we don’t need to wait for the calendar page to turn to a new year; we live in a constant state of forgiveness, grace, and new beginnings.

As a brand new, shiny year lies ahead, keep your compass pointed on True North. Keep Jesus first and foremost in your life each day. As you stay connected to Him the results that are produced are the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians:

and Self-Control…

that is a resolution that rests on Him and the work that He does, and we can be assured it will last long past the second week of February!