Holy Hen House

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decisions, decisions...

I am an over-thinker. An over-analyzer. A dweller. A not very good decision maker. Maybe you have found yourself in my shoes, once, twice, or a million times?

While I have to admit my decision making skills (or lack of them rather) spill over into the other parts of my life, I find them to be the most debilitating in my mothering. This lack of quick thinking can be rather annoying because mothering is full of so many choices from basically the most ridiculous all the way to the really difficult.

What should I feed my children for breakfast today? What will keep them full the longest and not begging for snacks?

What should I dress my children in today? What is the least likely to get destroyed in today's activities?

What should we do today? What will wear my kids out enough to rest later?

Should I send my daughter to school this year? Will she freak out everyday until summer?

Should we attempt church? With an out of control, crazy, almost two year old?

How should I discipline my son and daughter? What is the most effective but not traumatizing (for both of us) way?

How can I lead my children to want to know and love God? What if they don't?

While I might be alone in my inner contradictory dialogue, I'm guessing I am not the only one who has questioned whether or not you were making the right decisions for your children.

Fortunately for all of us, the decisions that our Heavenly Father has made we don't need to wonder whether or not are correct. Decisions He made to provide us with our individual children. God knows what is best for us and for our children and fit us together accordingly.

I need to remind myself just that! God gave me my children. He gave them to me because He knew I was good for them. God guides me to make all of these decisions both small and large. I can trust that He is guiding me and my children on the right path. I may not be doing things the same way as my friends, or the internet, or even my own mother, but I am doing the best that I can with God's help. I don't need to stand around wondering the what if's, I need to pray. I need to stop the worrying, and put my trust in my Heavenly Father.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the children you have given me. Thank you for their unique, crazy, and amazing personalities that keep me on my toes. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to be their mother, example, and leader. Forgive me for the messes I've made with them. Guide me. Guide me to discipline them. Guide me to love them. Guide me to make the right decisions for them. Help them to grow to know and love you. Help them (and me) to lead a life pleasing in your sight. In Jesus' name, Amen.
