Holy Hen House

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crossed out

It's been 16 years since my man first wooed me with his charm and cute dimples. 

We started spending time together in early February, just weeks before my 19th birthday. 
And weeks before Valentine's Day. 

Some men might think that a new relationship around Valentine's Day is. a. disaster. *wink* 
But not my guy. 
After just a few dates, he rose to the challenge of sharing his heart and intentions without coming on too strong and scaring me in twenty-five other directions. 

Y'all are going to LOVE this....

That, my dears, is THE BIG CARD.
But not just any big 'ol card. 
He recruited his college buddy to cross out all of the "loves" and change them to "likes". In calligraphy. 
Because that's how you show a girl that she's special.

And, boy, did it work. It made me giggle. I'm sure I blushed and sighed as I opened it. I knew in that moment that this man was a keeper. 
From that day on, he continued to show me with his words and actions that I was the one he liked and loved

I pull out THE BIG CARD each February so we can reminisce and laugh and tell our son the story of our first Valentine's Day together. 

This year February 14th is Ash Wednesday. 

Lent begins on the day we celebrate by giving cards and candy and flowers. Those gifts are sweet, but they will eventually be tossed or fade away and wither. While they represent imperfect love, the Lenten season shows us TRUE LOVE.

God doesn't offer us big cards with words crossed out. 
Instead He gives us His Son Jesus who took on a cross. 
This season we'll focus our hearts on the One who came to live perfectly in our place. We'll watch him teach and heal, wash feet and break bread, hang on a tree and carry every sin. It's uncomfortable and wonderful. It makes me squirm in my seat and splits my heart wide open. Oh, how I'd love to jump right to the Easter joy, but that can only come after the grit and brokenness and beauty of Lent. Here is where we see the height and depth of His Love. 

Talk about a love story. 
Savor it. Live it. Share it. 

Happy Love Month, friend! 
Jesus will never stop pursuing you, admiring you, forgiving you and showering you with His gifts and goodness. 
You are a treasure.