Holy Hen House

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We drive down dark roads and spot them perched on front porches, their big toothy grins and triangle eyes glowing. When I see those carved pumpkins I think of Jesus. And how we're like a big patch of pumpkins.

We may look all pretty lined up in a row, but we sit filled up inside with yuck - jealousy, pride, greed, selfishness. Heavy with sin.

Thankfully we weren't left that way. Jesus came and removed all of our ugliness. He scraped and scooped every last piece of yuck right out of us. He carved our hearts, forming and fashioning to make us new again.

Carved pumpkins are nothing but shadows in the dark without a light.

And we've got the best light source around.

He shines on through us. Brightly. Boldly.

Every single day of the year.


Picking and carving pumpkins is a fun activity that we look forward to at our house every single fall.

I was especially excited to do it this year with Josiah after finding a sweet, simple pumpkin poem that can be made into an adorable minibook. Each page includes a special prayer that we spoke and talked more about as we went through each step of carving the pumpkin.

Josiah was absolutely tickled to be a part of this activity. The smile never left his face as we worked and scooped and chatted. Here is a peek at our fun ::

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When we were finished carving and placed the candle inside, Josiah broke out into an enthusiastic version of This Little Light of Mine.

"Hide it under a bushel, NOOOO!!! I'm gonna let it shine!"

Be still my mama heart.

It was so precious to see him make the connection between the light in the pumpkin and letting his own light shine because Jesus shines through him.

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I am constantly looking for ways for my little one to not only grow in his learning, but in his faith. It's the most wonderful, important, beautiful part of my role as a parent! Whether we're carving pumpkins, going on a walk in the woods, sharing toys with friends, or cooking dinner, the opportunity is always there to teach Josiah more about the Lord, His commands, His provision, and His love.

If you're interested in using the pumpkin prayer minibook for your own pumpkins, you can find the free printable here!


Dear friends, I am going to assume that not everyone reading this shares the same views and convictions about carving pumpkins and participating in Halloween-type activities. I respect the choice each family makes without judgement. Our family has chosen to embrace the activities of this time of year and use them as positive opportunities to share Jesus and serve others in our home, our church, and our community.
