Holy Hen House

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Bible Studying :: A Plan of Action

I have a mean case of the Januaries.

I don't want to do the chores, because I'm pretty sure I've already washed the dishes twelve billion times this January alone. I don't feel like going anywhere or doing anything because it's cold and icky in January. I don't feel like doing anything fun at home because all the fun was had in December, and now I'm bored. There's not much to look forward to in February so January seems even looooooonger.

Maybe you too have a case of the Januaries? (Hopefully mild, not mean like mine.)

It hasn't just been stuff around my house, even my Bible studying has had a case of the Januaries.

I feel like it's pretty normal to get into a bit of a rut with your routine, whether at home or with your time with the Lord. Isn't that what New Year's resolutions are all about? Spicing things up, setting new goals, getting excited about possible future accomplishments! 

Last week after I read Mel's post (in case you missed it, you should give it a read), I felt a little spark to my fire. A renewal of interest and excitement for getting back in the Word! Ever since the Christmas season, my efforts have been sporadic at best. I had kept telling myself that when the chaos of Christmas subsided, I would get back into a better routine. But then I got hit with a (mean and growly) case of the Januaries and other usual busyness, and I didn't want to do much of anything at all. And you know how it ends... me, sitting here, writing about how I need to get into my Bible again!

After thinking about this a bit-- Side note: I'm one of those people that painfully contemplates decisions and ideas for far longer than is ever necessary, just ask my poor friends--, I think I am going to go about it like this: Start Planning Ahead. Why I needed to contemplate so long for such a simple answer, who knows!

Plan Ahead! 

Whenever I am overwhelmed by things, or distracted from the tasks that I need to accomplish, I make a plan. Usually I do this one week at a time. My cleaning schedule falls into a weekly routine. I plan my groceries for one week at a time. I even figure out which days I'm going to workout during any given week. I write down a list of tasks for each day of the week, and cross them off as the days and week go on. The question really is, why wouldn't I add my plans for Bible studies to those things? It only seems logical to make better plans to be in the Word more if I do it for mundane things like keeping my house clean.

This is so simple!

It's so simple I'm almost embarrassed. (Okay, I am a little.)

Might you also need a little kick in the pants to get motivated? Would making some sort of plan or goal help you crawl out of your trench?

I encourage you to put a little effort into a plan of action. Plan out your devotion time for the week. Search for a new book you want to read. Read the Scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. Enlist a few friends to form a Bible study group!

 Try it for a week or two or three or four even and see if it helps! I'm right here with you, giving it a whirl myself! 

I suspect that we won't be disappointed. Well, I suspect nobody was really ever disappointed by reading their Bible more! But I suspect you won't be disappointed by the process of figuring it all out ahead of time. That little bit of effort will make the actual time spent in the Word that much more productive, intentional, and worthwhile. 

It might be just the kind of new routine you needed to get yourself out of the "Januaries."