Holy Hen House

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Be New

If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

The bug house, my yard, Whitefish Bay, WI. — Happy New Year! New starts, new resolutions, new blank calendar on the wall, fresh, (so far) without any scribbles. Yet Jesus is the same. In His eyes we are always new! Something different than we were, entirely. This swallowtail caterpillar spurred some research so Mama could explain ‘what’s really going on in there’. Did you know the caterpillar liquifies it’s old body in the chrysalis, to completely transform? Digesting itself into a sort of cellular soup, then forming a new skeleton, wings,, mouth, the works. Incredible! A new creation, and so beautiful. Again the new year crept up just as I was getting used to writing 2018 on the few checks I write. Thank God for timeless love, for OUR total transformation, every day — sinner to saint! — and that every morning His mercies are new. Not just January 1st. :) May we resolve to love Him better this year and every year. Happy 2019, friends!!