Holy Hen House

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Arugula Basil Pesto

hhh I love arugula. How it smells. How it tastes. How pretty the little pink flowers get on top when it's overgrown. How the scent lingers on your fingers long after you've picked some from the garden (or in my case, my friend's garden).

I eat it by itself. In a sandwich. In a salad. In my homemade mac & cheese. In soup. Any soup. In chicken salad. In tuna salad. In crab salad. In hummus. In stir fry. In my scrambled eggs. On pizza.

And I think it reaches its pinnacle of deliciousness when it's used in this pesto recipe. You can use this as a spread in wraps and sandwiches, especially roast beef. With pasta. On a steak. On a burger. In scrambled eggs. With rice. On grilled chicken. On baked fish. Or with a spoon.


To be fair, I'm not certain who's the bigger champion in this recipe, the basil or the arugula (BOTH of which I got from my friend's garden).

What you need:

  • 3/4 full-packed cup fresh basil
  • 1 full-packed cup fresh arugula
  • 5-6 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 3/4 cup olive oil (I used extra virgin)
  • 1 cup raw walnuts

What you do:

  1. Course the oil, walnuts, salt and garlic in food processor
  2. Add basil and arugula until fine
  3. Smile because it's going to taste so good

Here is a quick printable version of the recipe if you like to print stuff.

