Holy Hen House

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A Day in the Life of Being Grateful

6:00AM: It's soooo early. I must have been up at least five times last night with the baby.

7:30AM: We are running late and of course, traffic!

9:00AM: **grumble grumble** Why didn't he empty the dishwasher this morning? 

12:00PM: Hurry and feed them before they become violent (again)!

3:30PM: Is this day going to end?

3:35PM: But, seriously.

5:01PM: He's late! Everything is horrible.

7:30PM: Finally, peace and quiet... and laundry.

9:30PM: I have nothing bad to say about bedtime, except I wish it had been earlier.

What if it looked like this instead?

6:00AM: I am going to accomplish so much today. Look at the sun streaming in.

7:30AM: I am so glad the van is fixed.

9:00AM: **whistle whistle** Let's clean up this beautiful kitchen my husband poured his sweat into creating for me. 

12:00PM: You get a peanut butter and jelly! You get a peanut butter and jelly! Everyone gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

3:30PM: Let's spend the afternoon at the park!

3:35PM: Or the zoo?

5:01PM: Quick! Let's clean up some stuff before Daddy gets home!

7:30PM: Look at these tiny socks. Have you ever seen such tiny socks!

9:30PM: Prayer time and bedtime!

It's kind of crazy how a little change in outlook can change an entire day, isn't it? Tell me I am not the only one who gets crabby and wallows in my own self pity every now and then (or maybe even more than that, but I won't admit it!)

November is all about thanksgiving and being thankful for all the things we have in our lives. I challenge you today to be more mindful of your thoughts.

Be grateful.

Be kind.

Be silly! 

Be contagious.

1 John 3:1: "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"